630 CHED, now 880 CHED, has some of the better talk radio hosts from the Edmonton and occasionally Calgary Area. Hosts are knowledgeable and open to listening to all reasonable caller opinions. They carry the Oiler's games for those who may be interested. And there is a Saturday morning slot that the Alberta Premier uses to supposedly maintain contact with the grass root conservative members..
23 de octubre de 2024 a las 17:56 GMT
Canadian Truckers ROCK!
Supporting Trudeau and his LIES will get you a One Way Trip to GITMO!
Tick Tock MoFos
31 de enero de 2022 a las 20:14 GMT
Please get the Dumb Blonde off the air. She just said it's ok that people aren't social distancing at restaurants that should actually be fined for NOT following the current regulations.
25 de mayo de 2020 a las 12:55 GMT
Seperty dirumah sediri, tuan rumahnya ramah, mau menolong apa saja. Tidak dicharge utk tambahan anak.
6 de diciembre de 2018 a las 01:05 GMT
Bring back Coast to Coast. Get rid of dumbo replacement for that time of night, someone who should never be aired on radio anywhere in Canada!
16 de septiembre de 2018 a las 03:37 GMT
Who ever decided to remove Old Time Radio and Coast To Coast should be fired!
How can Sports be Breaking News?And no local news or weather updates after midnight - WTF? Used to be a great radio station to listen to while working a grave-yard shift - but not anymore. Now rates less than 1 star.
10 de febrero de 2018 a las 21:19 GMT
1st, Sports isn't NEWS
2nd, Sports comes on, radio/TV goes off
3rd, really miss Old-time Radio Series
4th, really miss Coast To Coast
5th, used to be a good station, now less than 1 star.
I See Ched edits comments - WANT SOME GREAT old time radio stories - Google Paul Harvey - the rest of the story - sit back and enjoy some of the best stories from one of the greatest story tellers that ever lived. Sad that Paul has passed on but his stories live on. Enjoy folks.
27 de enero de 2018 a las 02:59 GMT
CHED's a great radio station. Stop listening to the CBC (Liberal Broad Casting Corp). Love the commentators and sports CHED provides.
24 de enero de 2018 a las 01:48 GMT
Rogers is terribly loud. it is more like a circus . I'm amazed that the players can hear anything. Do you really need an organist and a DJ( with no control)? Stairs should have been replaced by escalators. This is a poor design . Check out Madison Square Gardens in New York. Come on guys this place needs work! We are all Oiler fans but at what price?
8 de noviembre de 2017 a las 02:04 GMT
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