you need a web designer and you need a dj playing songs from the 70's
ou say you play songs from the 70's but I have only heard "white room" twice
16 de agosto de 2018 a las 14:08 GMT
A wonderful format. American's Song Book. But have not been able to find it recently. Hope it did not go off the air. A real loss to this area. I know they have had problems with their transmitter in the past. So hope this is only a temporary problem. If not a real loss.
22 de enero de 2018 a las 20:33 GMT
Thanks so much!. You have given me such pleasure each day. This music means so much to me and on your station I can count hearing on all my favorites and I happen to think some of the best songs every written. Thanks so much!!
Shirley Randolph
25 de mayo de 2015 a las 16:30 GMT
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