hello planet Earth!
Greetings from Mars and beyond, excuse me your CURISITY master piece of millinium technology scrutiny is looking for live and beyond, so what You earthians can not live in peace on Earth. so what are you really looking for? looting our planet for your own benefit?
please leave us alone. we are hiding us from you under ground. human race so cruel. killing each other in the name of God? what God? there is no God! try be kind to each other in your own planet and we promise to show you and very nice place near your planet you can move more hume race to there please promise to take some of your lovely creatures with you.
please love each other
You will hear from us next Millinium , incase you will be lovely to each other and donot kill each other for land, oil, god, etc...
your milky way marsian neighbour
11 de septiembre de 2015 a las 12:58 GMT